Why Learn Basic Life Saving Skills Before Going Camping

by John Wren
A first aid kit sitting inside of the top pocket of a teal backpack next to a travel water bottle near a river.

Camping is great fun; however, are you ready for unexpected emergencies? Understanding why learning basic life-saving skills before going camping can make your outdoor adventure safer and more enjoyable. Keep reading to learn more.

1. CPR Can Be a Lifesaver—Literally!

Imagine swimming in a lake one day and you notice someone suddenly struggling in the water. You leap into action, knowing how crucial it is to get them out before tragedy strikes. Upon pulling them out, you may realize no one else is around to help. At this moment, you need to remember your CPR training.

After a moment, the person regains consciousness, and you call for additional help. You become this person’s hero. The motivation in this situation is to learn CPR. Knowing CPR means you can help individuals who faint or lose consciousness. Swift action saves lives.

2. The Heimlich Maneuver Can Save Campfire Dinners

The best part of camping is cooking good meals over a campfire. So, let’s go into another example. You and your friends surround a campfire, enjoying s’mores, roasting hotdogs, and swaying to the music playing on your friend’s acoustic guitar.

As of now, everything is blissful. However, things turn when someone eats their s’more too quickly. Everyone around may not know what to do or how to perform the Heimlich maneuver properly. However, you do because you took a course.

The lesson is to take a basic life-saving course to learn preventative actions against choking hazards, including properly performing the Heimlich maneuver. Take an essential life-saving skills course before heading on your next outdoor adventure.

3. Basic First Aid for Minor Injuries

Cuts, scrapes, and burns are part of adventuring outdoors. Consider the following reasoning for taking a basic first aid course. Say you are hiking, and you or a fellow camper falls and cuts their knee. You wouldn’t want to tell them to shake it off because it can worsen once you return to the campsite.

You break out your prepared first aid kit and administer basic first aid to prevent the minor injury from becoming a major issue later. A well-stocked first-aid kit and the knowledge to use it keeps everyone in good spirits.

4. Be a Prepared Camper (and Beat Anxiety)!

Preparing for the trip and the common emergencies that can occur is one of the best ways to beat anxiety while camping. Knowing how to handle emergencies makes you more confident and relaxed. Knowing how to react in an emergency helps you identify issues quicker and provide more accurate solutions so you’re not stuck wondering how to respond.

Grow your knowledge and stay prepared! It is even more helpful to be ready if friends and family with pre-existing health conditions such as asthma are joining you on this excursion. Learn preventative asthma tips for children and adults by learning their triggers. For example, alert your group if you expect to be in an area with high pollen levels!

Become a smarter camper by learning basic life-saving skills before going camping!

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